Jeff.DaiLonely Stargazer


People always leave after the sunset. but for me, a stargazer, the true arena was just begin. I stood on the edge of the cliff alone, facing the wild wind and Gazing at the starry sky. Luckily the light pollution didn't influence the sky a lot. The Winter Milky Way crossed over the mountains, Venus and the sisters immersed in Zodiacal light. This is the beauty of night that you won't see if you don't hold on after sunset, and that is what we need to protect. Please treat them as your friends. Thank you.

2012年4月14日 21時21分21秒 露出 86秒
ISO3200 F3.5
望遠鏡:その他 Pentax K-5
カメラ:ペンタックス SMC PENTAX DA 10-17mm/F3.5-4.5 FishEye
Camera Raw